Monday, August 3, 2009

Another reason for 1to1 computing

A wonderful clip made for television of Seymour Papert's early work on using computers to spark childrens' imaginations. Seymour Papert was the man behind the LOGO programming language.

Technologies used as cognitive tool is key in CSCL and 1to1.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to ACU on iTunes U, their video somewhere talks about how they implement as freshman kit

reckon they priced the ipods and iphone into the freshman welcome kit as a means of accessing course work and network in campus.

Jimmy was asking about how to implement 121.

My thoughts:
get the students to buy them or give it to them? there is a national initiative to close the digital divide in Singapore right? :)

Take a look inside ACU on iTunes U, and learn with us - anytime, anywhere.

Things you can do on iTunes U

  • Download lectures and interviews.
  • Subscribe to podcasts, music, news.
  • Explore ACU academics.
  • Experience student life.
  • Play it on your iPod, PC or Mac,
    or take it with you.

First time here?

You'll need iTunes and Quicktime.
Free download

iPod Touch - an educational gadget for 1:1

Chris Webb has a website on the educational possibilities of iPod Touch. Take a look at

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Learners creating AirTags with iPhone for fieldtrip

Wow! So many things you can do with iPhone. This video shows how learners can create air tags of what they see in field trips, even with voice annotation, and share them immediately with friends. Possible activity with iPhone in 121 computing.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lessons Learned About Providing Laptops for All Students

print versionDownload the paper

As a way of helping states and districts interested in laptop initiatives, NEIRTEC has reviewed published lessons learned from many laptop initiatives around the country and has prepared this paper, Lessons Learned About Providing Laptops for All Students. A Web discussion board has been set up to help promote discussion about these or other lessons learned.

A vision of K12 students today

Here's a video from the past, mine anyway, but it has reminded me that we should meet the needs of our students. It remains current today. I've always enjoyed it.